Sports Glossary (BI-BM)

11:53 PM

aiming point titik tenang
athletic stance dirian atlet
back bowl bol belakang
backhand shot hantar kilas
bank benteng
bias bias
block shot hantar adang
blocker pengadang
bowl bol 
bowl in course gerak bol
captain ketua pasukan
claw grip pegang cengkam
clothing pakaian
cot kot
counter kaunter
cradle grip pegang endul
covered lindung
crosswind angin sakal
crouch stance dirian bongkok
damaged jack jek rosak
dead bowl bol mati
dead end end mati
dead jack jek mati
deliver hantar
ditch parit
ditching the jack buang jek
fast green grin laju
finger grip pegang jari
finger peg pancang jari
firing shot hantar tembak
fixed stance dirian tetap
follow-through ikut lajak
foot fault batal kaki
footwear kasut
double  regu
draw shot hantar asas
drive shot hantar deras
duration tempoh
forehand shot hantar depan
forward stride langkah depan
fours berempat
full-length jack jek penuh
green keeper jurugrin
green grin
green line garis grin
grip cekak
guard pengadang
heavy bowl bol laju
heavy green grin lamban
lead pemula
live bowl bol hidup
long jack jek panjang
mark tanda
marker penanda
master bowl bol piawai
mat mat
mat line garis mat
obstruction halang
open hand ruang lapang
open jack jek buka
order of play susun main
pace of the green laju grin
pairs regu
percentage shot hantar mata
positional shot hantar sasar
practice ends end cuba
promote promot
rebounding jack jek pantul
rest shot hantar sandar
rinks rink
rub off bol gesel
running bowl bol gerak
running shot hantar gerak
shoulder of the arc titik bias
side game perlawanan bersebelahan
singles perseorangan
skip skip
slow grin lamban
stance duduk kaki
standard bowl bol piawai
still bowl bol pegun
score card kad skor
scorer pencatat
semi-fixed stance dirian separa tetap
set bowls bol set
setting a mark buat tanda
shot hantar
shot bowl bol mata
shot selection pilih hantar
take out bol ganti
tap and lie shot hantar hantuk ganti
target bowl bol sasar
team perlawanan berpasukan
the second pemain kedua
the third pemain ketiga
thumb peg pancang ibu jari
tie seri
tight head kepala padat
waterloo handicap waterloo handikap
wick shot hantar wik
wide bowl bol lebar
windmill windmil
wobbler bol goyah
wrong bowl bol salah
troucher penyentuh
tracking landasan
trail shot hantar seret
trail end end cubs
triples bertiga
net ball bola jaring
batting tepis
bib bib
body contact sentuh badan
bounce pass hantar lantun
boundary line garis sempadan
breaking faul
center pemain tengah
center circle bulatan tengah
center pass hantar tengah
center third kawasan tengah
charging rempuh
chest pass hantar dada
contact sentuh
contact with the ball sentuh bola
dodging elak acan
double defence pertahanan regu
dragging seret
drop back undur
drop ball bola jatuh
footwork faul gerak kaki
four quarters empat suku
free pass hantar bebas
infringement pelanggaran
infringer pelanggar
injury time masa kecederaan
interception pintas
interference with the goal post ganggu gol
interval rehat
intimidation gertak
game position kedudukan pemain
getting free bebas diri
goal attack pembantu penjaring gol
goal circle bulatan gol
goal defence pengawal gol
goal keeper penjaga gol
goal line garis gol
goal shooter penjaring gol
goal third kawasan gol
penalty penalti
penalty pass hantar penalti
penalty shot jaringan penalti
pivot putar
possession milik
push tolak
obstruction by intimidation halang gertak
official pegawai
offside ofsaid
over a third lampau kawasan
bowling green boling padang

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